Right Brain Left Brain President: Barack Obama's Uncommon Leadership Ability and How We Can Each Develop It (Contemporary Psychology) by Mary Lou Decosterd

Right Brain Left Brain President: Barack Obama's Uncommon Leadership Ability and How We Can Each Develop It (Contemporary Psychology)

Download Right Brain Left Brain President: Barack Obama's Uncommon Leadership Ability and How We Can Each Develop It (Contemporary Psychology)

Right Brain Left Brain President: Barack Obama's Uncommon Leadership Ability and How We Can Each Develop It (Contemporary Psychology) Mary Lou Decosterd
Language: English
Page: 169
Format: pdf
ISBN: 0313380724, 9780313380730


"Barrack Obama uses logical and analytical thinking as well as intuitive and creative thinking in his leadership style. This book combines ideas from neuroscience and leadership studies with many excerpts from Obama's speeches and interviews, using Obama's leadership skill set as an example of the right brain/left brain leadership model developed by

the author. Focus is on four different sets of traits: strategic, innovative, transformative, and engaging leadership traits. The book gives background on how the brain is structured for right- and left-brain leadership engagement, then looks at how Obama's personal background enables him to engage both sides of his brain with ease, and provides readers with tools and steps for using the same leadership approaches. Décosterd is a leadership consultant and executive coach."


Reference & Research Book News


"Décosterd gets it! After 8 years of George Bush's 'go-it-alone cowboy' policies, Obama's measured, balanced leadership style has reestablished America's place in the world, and given us a renewed optimism for the future that has not been seen since the glory days of Kennedy's Camelot. This is a must-read book for leaders in all sectors- public and private - who want to be successful, while still maintaining their integrity."


Peter M. Landau, Retired Health Insurance Executive


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